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基于ARM和CPLD的DRM单频网同步实现方法ZL201510011823.9授权:2018.06李正祥 卢起斌,王剑,徐伟掌,杨占昕,沈向辉
一种自适应直接正交变频调制误差校正方法ZL201410752384.2授权:2018.01侯亚辉 郭璇;邓纶辉;徐伟掌;杨占昕
一种1090MHz ES ADS-B帧信号解调方法,ZL2012101269904授权:2018.12,徐伟掌 杨占昕 吕锐 管凝 郭璇 王剑 邓纶晖 吴国诚 韩毅 王玄韬;
一种面向用户生成内容的突发事件新闻采集方法与系统,ZL201610116178.1实质审查阶段,沈向辉 李力玮 侯亚辉 王非非 王剑 徐伟掌 杨占昕;
一种基于Raptor码的大文件传输方法,ZL201410353459.X授权:2017.05,王非非 王剑 沈向辉 徐伟掌 杨占昕;
一种系统不等差错保护的Raptor码方法,ZL201410581856.2授权:2017.08,石东新 王非非 张远 杨占昕 赵艳明 史萍;
一种Raptor码的多任务并发编码方法,ZL201410353458.5授权:2017.10,王非非 吕锐 徐伟掌 杨占昕 王剑 沈向辉;
基于求和阵列的CMMB中LDPC编码器和编码方法,ZL201210370003.5授权:2016.03,刘晋 鲍南海 万欣;
一种CMMB中多码率RS码的并行编码器和编码方法,ZL201210370084.9授权:2016.03,万欣 陈晋伦 蒋蓝祥;
基于Anti-Gray映射的4D-QPSK星座设计方法,ZL201310413548.4授权:2016.09,陈远知 方伟伟;
高动态卫星信道模拟器,ZL201210279446.3授权:2015.04,陈超 杨占昕 徐伟掌 李正祥 卢起斌 邓纶晖;
一种Raptor码的解码方法,ZL201010191845.5授权:2012.09,石东新 徐伟掌 张远 杨占昕 杨爽;
一种集成版权管理的互为服务器的设计方法以及网络架构,ZL200710176968.X授权:2010.09,吕锐 王永滨 隋爱娜 杨成 曹轶臻 冯爽 伏文龙;
一种多媒体元数据统一描述及检索方法,ZL200710177063.4授权:2010.12,吕锐 张鹏洲 龚隽鹏 张弛 温宇俊 宋卿;
一种视频场景切换检测方法,ZL200510114846.9授权:2008.10,王翾 陆建华 余成伟 ;


徐伟掌 余心乐 李彦霏 司璐 杨占昕2018.11SCI期刊DOI: 10.1109/CC.2018.8543050 《China Communications》Vol15 No.11A Novel Training Sequence Applied to DCS-Based Channel Estimation
司璐 余心乐2018.06中文核心
聂阳 杨占昕2017.09EI期刊an.20175204584393Boletin Tecnico/Technical Bulletin“Research on the HF channel estimation based on compressed sensing”,Boletin Tecnico/Technical Bulletin,2017.09.
聂阳 余心乐 杨占昕2016.09EI期刊an.20164603008051International Journal of Grid and Distributed Computing“Deterministic construction of compressed sensing matrix based on Q-matrix ”,International Journal of Grid and Distributed Computing,2016.09.
聂阳 余心乐 杨占昕2016.09EI期刊an.20164502993604International Journal of Signal Processing, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition“A interlaced filling algorithm in deterministic constructing compressed sensing matrix ”,International Journal of Signal Processing, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition,2016.09.
陈远知2016.06EI期刊an.20170103209479Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control“A Local Feature Descriptor Invariant to Complex Illumination Changes”,Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control,2016.06.
陈远知2016.04EI期刊an.20162502506065Revista Tecnica de la Facultad de Ingenieria Universidad del Zulia“Image matching under varying illumination using uniform symmetric-local binary pattern ”,Revista Tecnica de la Facultad de Ingenieria Universidad del Zulia,2016.04.
曾志斌 张睿2013.12EI期刊an.20142417806047Information Technology Journal 2013年第20卷“Influence of Amplifier Memory Effects on Undersampling Wideband Digital Predistortion”,Information Technology Journal 2013年第20卷,2013.12.
陈远知 方伟伟 周德扬2013.10SCI期刊DOI:10.1016/j.mejo.2013.01.001《Chinese Journal of Electronics》“Metric-Based and Angle-Rotated Tone Reservation Scheme for PAPR Reduction in OFDM Systems”,《Chinese Journal of Electronics》,2013.10.
陈超 司璐2013.04EI期刊an.20132116364266Telknomnika“The application of the sub-filters of the polyphase filter in channel emulator”,Telknomnika,2013.04.
李姗姗 周剑2013.03EI期刊an:20133116555754TELKOMNIKA, Vol.10, No.4, August 2012“Test of DMB-T Signal Based on Software Defined Radio Technique ”,TELKOMNIKA, Vol.10, No.4, August 2012,2013.03.
陈超 徐伟掌 司璐2013.03EI期刊an.20131116115652Applied Mechanics and Meterials“The Application of the Sub-filters of the Polyphase Filter in Multi-path Delay”,Applied Mechanics and Meterials,2013.03.
曾志斌 马骞2013.01EI期刊an.20140817345563Computer Modelling and New Technologies》“A New Learning Structure of Adaptive Algorithm for Digital Predistortion”,《Computer Modelling and New Technologies》,2013.01.


周思颖 王剑 王非非2018.11待查A Design of Outdoor Display Monitoring System Based on NB-IoT AUTEEE 2018: IEEE International Conference on Automation, Electronics and Electrical Engineering
张华 王剑 王非非2018.11待查Design and Implementation of PC-based DRM Multiplex Generator AUTEEE 2018: IEEE International Conference on Automation, Electronics and Electrical Engineering
郭云海 李正祥2017.0920181905172174WLAN Based Wireless Self-Organization Link: Research and Realization ICCNEA
周剑2017.11an.20182105218673research on algorithm of segment and classification of audio in broadcast ISCID 2010
周剑2017.1120183905877964Improved SNR estimation algorithm 2017 International Conference on Computer Systems, Electronics and Control, ICCSEC 2017
李姗姗2018.07待查A New Dynamic Test Method for Amplitude Frequency Response of Broadcast Transmitter
戴育歧 王非非2017.09待查An Improved Method Based on Joint Feature Vector for Audio Broadcasting Surveillance 2017 Seventh International Conference on Instrumentation and Measurement, Computer, Communication and Control (IMCCC 2017)
李力玮 王非非 王剑2017.03an.20181905141356Design and Implementation of Multimedia File Transfer System Using Fountain Codes Technology on Android WiSPNET 2017
刘海韵 尹航 谢涵宇2017.1220183005601837A novel digital broadcasting system based on polar codes in shortwave ISCID 2017
赵锐恩 万欣 夏迎春 刘权2018.10待查Broadcast signal coverage drive test system based on SNMP protocol 2018 IEEE 3rd Advanced Information Technology, Electronic and Automation Control Conference
陆佰慧 李正祥 卢起斌2017.03an.20171403541140The Design and Implementation of the Unidirectional Data Transmission Equipment Based on 802.11 Physical Frame  Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Service Sciences, ICSESS
方芳 杨占昕2017.03an.20171803631072Time domain suppression scheme of narrowband interference based on aarrowband OFDM power line communications IEEE International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES 2016)
方芳 杨占昕2017.01an.20170903388122Cluster Impulsive Noise Suppression Approach for Broadband Power-line Communication Systems 2016 9th International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Design (ISCID 2016)
洪世文 王非非 曾志斌2016.12an.20170403289916Design and Implementation of Data Visualization in Media Manuscripts Transmission System 2016 1st IEEE International Conference on Computer Communication and the Internet, ICCCI 2016
董静茹 尹航 王思佳2016.12an.20172303742073An Improved Message Passing Schedule of BP-Based Decoding Algorithm for LDPC Codes IEEE International Conference CPSCom 2016
侯亚辉2016.11an.20171203462516A uniform content label push method based on DRM broadcasting 2016 3rd International Conference on Systems and Informatics (ICSAI)
孙宇杭 李姗姗2016.10an.20172303742096Research on Algorithm of Audio Level Compressor  2016 2nd IEEE International Conference on Computer and CommunicationsICCC2016
万鹏 王非非 王剑2016.10an.20172303742137The Subsequent Transmission System of Collaborative Receiving Terminal that Based on Fountain Codes 2016 2nd IEEE International Conference on Computer and Communications, ICCC 2016
王久霜 徐伟掌 王剑2016.10an.20170403289942A Study of Live Video Streaming System for Mobile Devices 2016 First IEEE International Conference on Computer Communication and the Internet(ICCCI2016)
方芳 杨占昕2016.10an.20170403289924Improved Blanking Nonlinearity Scheme for Powerline Communication System in Impulsive Noise Scenarios The First IEEE International Conference on Computer Communication and the Internet
曾志斌 王剑2016.10an.20170403289958Design and Implementation of UGC-Oriented News Gathering System Server-Side for Emergencies The First IEEE International Conference on Computer Communication and the Internet (ICCCI 2016)
祁得文 郭璇 杜伟韬2016.08an.20171203484632Design of a broadband-intermediate-frequency multi-frequency shortwave signal observation system based on FPGA 2016 IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation
杨信 李正祥2016.03an.20162102419875A software radio platform based on ARM and FPGA MATEC Web cof
段皓 余心乐 侯亚辉2016.02an.20162002391800Efficient channel parameters estimation design for SC-FDE in HF wireless communications 2015 8th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing (CISP)
罗勇 陈远知2015.11an.20162902615768Robust matching algorithm based on SURF  2015 12th International Computer Conference on Wavelet Active Media Technology and Information Processing
祁得文 郭璇 杜伟韬2015.09an.20161102092856Design of digital signal spectrum analyzer based on FPGA 2015 IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation
罗勇 陈远知 叶正源2015.05an.20160801976396Efficient parallel Recursive Gaussian SIFT algorithm based on multi-core DSP  Proceedings of 2015 IEEE 5th International Conference on Electronics Information and Emergency Communication
郭继宏 李正祥 曾志斌2014.12an.20151700775764A control system for modulator based on Arm-Linux 2014 International Conference on Logistics Engineering,Management and Computer Science
马慧 尹航2014.12an.20150400439307A Novel Single-Carrier Digital Broadcasting System Based on LDPC Codes 2014 IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology
郭璇 侯亚辉2014.10an.20152500951075Adaptive Quadrature Modulation Compensation for Direct Conversion Transmitter # Computational Intelligence and Design (ISCID), 2014 Seventh International Symposium on (Volume:2 )
李京 王非非2014.08an.20140217186678An Improved Smart Home System Based on an Open Platform Model 2013 International Conference on Mechatronics and Semiconductor Materials(ICMSCM2013)
张睿 曾志斌2014.07an.20143218027780Simulation on PAPR suppression algorithm for multicarrier system 2nd International Conference on Mechatronics and Industrial Informatics, ICMII 2014
周剑2014.07an.20144900295159Design and Simulation of OFDM System Based on Matlab  第四届先进设计与制造工程国际学术会议
陈琦 郭璇2014.06an.20144600195344A General Folded Encoding Structure for Quasi-cyclic LDPC Codes 2014 IEEE 5th International Conference on Software Engineering and Service Science (ICSESS)
王骁 曾志斌2014.05an.20142417825514A design of CPPLL for CMMB broadcasting system 2014 International Conference on Mechatronics Engineering and Computing Technology, ICMECT 2014
徐博源 李正祥2014.05an.20143017987236Design of the TFT-LCD controller with CPLD 2014第二届计算机科学和信息处理国际会议 CSIP 2014
徐博源 李正祥2014.05an.20143017987134Design of the interpolation filter applied in the audio signals processing 2014第二届计算机科学和信息处理国际会议 CSIP 2014
王非非 徐伟掌2014.04an.20144900289641A comparison of algorithms for the calculation of LPC coefficients 2014 International Conference on Information Science, Electronics and Electrical Engineering(ISEEE 2014)
张珊珊 陈超2014.04an.20142419825516Design and implementation of intelligent multi-serial ports data transmission system based on NIOS II using in smart home Mechatronics Engineering,Computing and Information Technology
王骁 曾志斌2014.03an.20141717624720A design for clock synchronization using CPPLL International Conference on Vehicle and Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology, VMEIT 2014
张睿 曾志斌2014.03an.20141717625127Undersampling digital predistortion compensation technology based on broadband signals International Conference on Vehicle and Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology, VMEIT 2014
周剑2014.03an.20142217769592Brief Analysis of MIMO Channel and Antenna  2014 年第二届先进材料与工程技术国际会议
薛亚辉 王非非 王剑2014.03an.20141817643243An Efficient Network TransmissionDesign Based on Raptor Code 2013 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Information Science and Technology(ICIST2013)
吴国诚 杨占昕2014.02an.20142717908552A Terrestrial Digital Broadcasting and Positioning System Based On Overlap Communication International Conference on Measurement,Instrumentation and Automation 2014
张倍菱 郭璇2014.02an.20141817644067A novel reconfigurable architecture for generic OFDM modulator based on FPGA 2014 16th International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT)
张依依 王非非 杜伟韬2014.02an.20141717625229The DSP Implementation of Algorithm for Voice Speed Changing and Pitch Shifting Based on TD-PSOLA 国际会议(International Conference on Vehicle and Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology,VMEIT 2014)
唐学成 周剑2014.01an:20141217498310The Command and Dispatch System for Radio and TV emission stations 2014年传感器、仪器与信息技术国际会议(ICSIIT 2014)
张琴 曾志斌2013.08an.20134116829484Simulation analysis on DPD performance with DC offset 2013 International Conference on Vehicle and Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology,VMEIT 2013
曾志斌 王剑2013.08an.20134116829308A high-performance hardware design for digital predistortion system 2013 International Conference on Vehicle and Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology, VMEIT 2013
刘千惠 王剑2013.08an.20134116829353The advanced peak cancellation implement method for OFDM signals in CMMB 2013 International Conference on Vehicle and Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology, VMEIT 2013
徐博源 徐伟掌2013.06an.20133416634055Research of the SC-FDE synchronization technology in HF wireless communication 2013 IEEE 8th Conference on Industrial Electronics and Application(ICIEA 2013)Prooeedings
尹航 杜伟韬2013.04an.20141817643266Design of improved LDPC encoder for CMMB based on SIMD architecture 2013 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Information Science and Technology
王玄韬 陈超2013.04an.20133516681666Design and implementation of High-Dynamic satellite channel emulator 2013 2nd International Conference on Measurement,Instrumentation and Automation,ICMIA2013